I was simply going to ignore this... BUT

Pete... your lack of knowledge about the rules of the game are now legend...
Why?... not because you are new to the racing game... EVERYONE here would patiently explain the rule, the principals, the responsibilities involved, the sailing options and tactics that work in the situation, and answer all of your questions.

We even get that a new racer may not completely comprehend a new situation even after studying the rules a bit.

However, Time after Time you simply demonstrate Sheer IGNORANCE.. Followed up with the ARROGANCE that we should change over 100 years of history with the RRS .

Ignorance is a state of being uninformed (lack of knowledge)[1]. T

Arrogance: an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions.

Learn the damn rules or don't play the game.

You make these SNARKY comments, of well.... I will acknowledge Eric's judgement on the matter.... BUT.....

Now... you have gone beyond ignorant and arrogant into the blithering A hole status.

It's YOUR responsibility to RACE YOUR BOAT under the RRS. It has NOTHING to do with Eric's opinions.. It's your responsibility to understand the game... He has patiently tried to get you up to speed.

"If I am leeward boat (on the same tack) and you plan to tack accross my bow, you'd better make sure you can make it without fouling me. " Or what?

Oh for god's sake.... GE was WINDWARD on the same tack...

An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the ..

I rest my case
