2012: HC16+spi is chosen
2013: 40 nations are competing ont the ISAF HC16 circuit (and that + kitesurf permit sailing to stay in the Olympic games that need to be worldwide, not only old countries)
2014: Multihull world ask (loudly just see this forum ;-) for a second Olympic cat , an open one (2 men)
2015: first proto of AC20 full carbon, wings, curved dagger, camera on board. After the AC45:AC72 media big circus, ISAF an CIO are very interested.
2015: ISAF decide there will be a second cat for the 2020 games.
2016: a korean couple is Olympic Champion on HC16 (just have a look to the last HC16 Championship in China.

Only a scenario, they may be better one.
The choice of HC16 is obvious to increase the practice our sport in the world.
For big regatta , as for the HC16 world, boats are provide by the factory and they change every race randomly allocated.

The meat on the cat is more important than the plastic.

Also just for fun, I organise a first poll in october on the french site: www.catamag.fr
A second is running (I find this one after launching mine), interesting to compare results and trend.