Originally Posted by waterbug_wpb
Is there a continuing education requirement for judges? Do they re-certify after a certain time period, or if they do not exercise their authority (act as PRO) a minimum number of regattas per term (year, two year, etc)?

Yes. Every judge must re-certify every four years:
- Take the two-day class
- Pass the exam
- Be knowledgeable and experienced in the running of races and have performed in a major role on the water in at least three U.S. events during the last four years
- Be an active member of protest committees. In the last four years,served on protest committees for at least three years and chaired at least three hearings at a regatta of significant importance to the region; served on juries in at least three events in the US at the interclub, regional or national level.

The re-certification process for Race Officers is similar, except that for National Race Officer re-certification, you need to have a personal "on-the-job" review by another NRO or IRO.