Originally Posted by Karl_Brogger
Originally Posted by Team_Cat_Fever
And you or anyone else on this forum has never misstated something. It's only important to you guys, the rest of the world doesn't give a rat's butt ,probably including Pete M. So the the F-16 allows carbon masts ,stop the presses and let's lynch the best multihull designer in the US because he misstated that world changing fact. The F-16 class would be huge if it wasn't for a handful of you guys. I'm surprised you all haven't brought up slander charges. OOOOHHHHH the humanity. GET A F*CKING GRIP! You got free press by the designer of the new Olympic boat. Any press is good press.

JESUS! Who pissed in your Wheaties this morning?

There is a slight difference between the pack of idiots who post on this board, (myself included in that), and somebody who's in the biz, and making a presentation. He should be up on things, but its still not that big of a deal in my book. F*ck people, its sailing. Not a cure for child leukemia.
Settle down.

My point exactly, so your pisser must have been the same as mine. Booger.

"I said, now, I said ,pay attention boy!"

The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea
Isak Dinesen
If a man is to be obsessed by something.... I suppose a boat is as good as anything... perhaps a bit better than most.
E. B. White