Originally Posted by Karl_Brogger
Diesel's aren't welcome here. Whether that's from lobbying from the big three or not, who know's. I can't imagine its from them, as it has cost them a flippin' fortune trying to stay legal, and keep up with the warranty issues caused by all the smog B.S.

The difference in the small trucks available inside/outside the US has baffled me for a long time. The first time I visited Chile, I remember seeing an awesome four door Mitsubishi 4x4 with a diesel and 5 speed manual (before there was ever a four door truck in the US). I saw the four door Nissan in Saudi years before it came to the US and I bought one as soon as they brought them here (but was pretty unimpressed with the dreadful fuel mileage...remember that V8 Juice commercial? Slap your head...Yeah, that bad). Just look at these models of trucks with good power and put our truck's mileage to shame - two of which are US manufacturers...Why don't they think we would buy these?


Jake Kohl