Now CNN is saying the NYT is reporting there were radar returns that had the plane climbing from 35,000 (a normal cruising alt.) up to 45,000'.

The service ceiling is only 43,100' on Delta's 777's, but if they were light you could easily climb to 45,000. Then it descended to 23,000', then it climbed again.

Of course no pilot would do were fighting for control of the airplane and yanking back and forth on the control column.

Also, they are showing a ground track that zig zags a bit, after it crossed over Malaysia.

So...if what they are now reporting is accurate (and I give it 50/50 at best) it sounds like it was being hijacked, and flown by amateurs, who may have been looking for their destination. If so, somebody trained them on shutting off the transponder.

The question is, why?

What were they trying to do, crash it and kill people on the ground, or steal it, or just get to somewhere else? (Thailand, India?)

It would be very strange if they were able to overpower two pilots, and then fly the airplane on the path CNN is showing now. I guess we won't know what was really going on until we hear the **** voice recorder. I just hope they can find it in less than two years!

Blade F16