Bringing us back to sailing for a brief moment... CNN, since at least Thursday, has been running footage from the last VOR to show what the conditions can be like down there. Apparently, no one else is insane enough to be on that water, let alone shooting video...

What I haven't heard mentioned, is this an area north of the iceberg and growler range? Presumably, being the end of their summer, this wouldn't be an issue; but it would be something else to discuss, other than the complete BS about shadowing.

Speaking of which, did anyone catch the panel of three guys discussing the shadow theory? They were discussing the theory that the jet diverted to shadow a different plane out of Singapore, to head out to an unknown destination in mid-Asia.

One was an ex-fighter pilot (British-sounding accent), one was a 777 (or similar) pilot, the third was some sort of analyst. The fighter pilot was visibly outraged, and stated as much, that anyone was wasting their time on this idea. The 777 pilot pointed out how nearly completely impossible this would be to pull off. The analyst pointed to some reference that Israel used two large jets to pull off a military event, flying over Egypt and another country undetected, so he was sticking by his guns that the shadow theory is real. I thought the fighter pilot was going to punch him out...
