

I believe you are correct, and I'm pretty sure the ISAF ranking travels with the skipper. What I don't know is if US Sailing is having a qualification event for any additional spots, or if they will allocate all the spots through qualifying. It an incredibly transparent process/organization (sarcasm).

They actually are transparent this time... Adams has a memo that clearly states... after the top three ISAF slots.... the MLK pre event will decide the remaining US slots in all classes...

So... It is 40 slots... I think 17 countries are entered so far... Only the USA has more then 4 boats registered... so... I think the US gets 4 certain slots and maybe 5 boats into the game. Six would be perfect.

It will be game on for all of the new teams at the MLK event.

I am confused about the total slots for rio tho...

I read that there are 20 slots for multis... so 19 plus Brazil. (This is more then in China???)

They have awarded a bunch so far (10).... and then 3 at then next ISAF worlds and then 1 more at the 2-15 continentals... Other continentals are also awarding one slot.. (Africa gets a continental slot to award)

Does that continental slot have to go to a country within that continent? Is that why you say 3 plus the 1 slots are available? or are there really 9 open slots left with a year plus to go?