After reading some of the Sailing Anarchy A Cat Nationals foiling thread, it occurred to me that if we (we as in, future catamaran development) are going to go down the road to foiling, how should the classes be divided up?

I mean, we have always divided the classes up by their designs, One Design is just that, but for the box rule classes, or the Development classes, if you are going to allow foiling and then design a straight up foiling boat, does hull length matter once you get up on the foils? Is a foiling 16 footer just as fast a foiling 20?

I would think the only thing you would want to 'design' is the lightest platform capable of holding the foils and the mast upright.

I guess each box rule class could keep the same limits on sail area, minimum weight, etc, but it could go a new direction in hull design.

So will future 'catamaran' designs go in that direction, once the class rules are modified to allow full on foiling?

Would/should there also be measurement limits on the foils themselves, such as foil type, size, placement, actuators, that type of thing?

Blade F16