We'll sail the F-14s straight up any time there are more than one on the course, and we'll continue to use the DPNs with any modifiers necessary in open fleets. This may be tough for organizing authorities to handle, but it sounds like it may not come up too much - we'll see this weekend, as Bob and I are both doing a two-day event in Navarre on 14s (unless he brings his 17??)

Now, back to the original topic for this thread - Carl wants to know what number to use for his home-build project. Not up to me to get or assign one, but I think you'd be safe asking the Portsmouth Committee to give you a note indicating the 4.3 number as a start, though it sounds like you have the potential to be a bit faster. Keep in mind that the host of any event that you enter generally reserves the right to assign you a number if they have any beef with what you've got. I've never seen that right abused - generally it's the addition of the "miscellaneous" modifier, which doesn't change much at all, but pacifies some 20-footer with heartburn.

Everyone happy with this? Let's pick the next event! How about the Horn Island race in Mississippi July 3 and 4? How about something further north? Let's keep it going somehow...

John Williams

- The harder you practice, the luckier you get -
Gary Player, pro golfer

After watching Lionel Messi play, I realize I need to sail harder.