Wouter: Now we are really getting off-topic with this discussion

However, have you considered that todays demographics are incluenced heavily by the after-war births ? The increased birthrate in the late 40's and 50's causes a wave of elderly people about now, true.
But the demographics I'm interrested in, is the the large number of females who dont have babies. If you compare the numbers, you will se that the number of children born pr. female today is a lot less then 30 years ago. In other words, todays female (as a trend) dont want children, but wants to live free and have a good time instead (as we males have always wanted..)

I want to mention two small digressions with regards to your discussion of medevial warfare.
1: The crusades was quite strongly supported by the pope, as a way to rid Europe of to many troublesom noble sons, causing endless strife and war. And what better way to go to war, than doing it on a charger clad in gleaming armour (vanity).
2: The arabic world had it's own vanitiy with regards to warfare. Even after the assyrians had developed riding archers, they used war-chariots. In fact, they developed an even larger four horse/four man war-chariot. It was of no use on the battlefield, but it looked grand when going to war.. (vanity)

(I know, different time epochs, but I think the comparison holds true)

I agree with you that our western lifestyle has it's large faults. We have yet to reach a population size the earth can not support, if we in the western world are but willing to spend less resources. The question is, are we willing to change our lifestyle ? Nothing indicates that as far as I can see, the only changes I see are for the worse..
The earths population are increasing, but we who live in the western culture have stopped our growth..

Also, when our population has to choose between heavily increased taxes to finance pensions and health care for the large amount of elders, or accept increased immigration. What do you think will be the preferred ? Take into account also that our elders often are those most strongly opposed to immigration from "the third world", what would they vote ? To lower their pensions and part with other rights, when they probably will be in majority ?

BTW: This was posted on the Farrier-boat e-mail list today (in an attempt to get back to the thread):
While the males out there may be bemoaning a lack of females interested in sailing, I have found it is not the sailing the females are usually adverse to, but the males and their attitudes. This is just an observance. I know enough sailors (male and female) who do not have their priorities in order - and it is a bad formula for any team - off or on the water.

I hope Mary will come with her toughts soon, or you (Wouter) and I will probably start discussing the relative importance of present demographics as related to ancient sailing on the Nile..