Hi Marc
<br> Always good points , -
<br> Yes was there RACING in the 87 World {worrell } 1000 ALSO -there were 12 ft racks , --a supercat platform with a 40 ft wing mast ,--a planning type hull platform with wing mast , the new Hurrican ,-with adjustable side stays ,the first spin and hooters appeared ,-several others --what GREAT FUN .
<br>-I am also more interested in developement AND finding a way for the average guy without the big bucks to be able to purchase an older cat , add a chute , race with us and have fun . ---THIS is my vision for the N A Formula Class, which would eventually become 2,-- modified and developemental .
<br> If I found any good 20 platform available cheap ,like an old Tornado , N 6/0 -or any I would enjoy rebuilding it , adding a chute and having it available for others or junior sailors to race ,--I,ve already done this on a smaller scale for my young kids on the lake , we will have a S C 15 with a chute for around 600 dollars , {I had a used chute }
<br> Maybe even eventually sell it very inexpensively to any interested in racing , --this is how we really build the sport and class ,--direct involvement and promotion .
<br> Several have said take this one step at a time , while many others have said the numbers of interested sailors are not there for a developement /modified class approach ,and the only successfull option is the more defined iF-type approach used in Europe.
<br> How many would race or be encouraged to return to race with a developemental rule in place .??
<br> I don't really know -
<br> Carl<br><br>