Hi Mark S
<br> We have existing conditions attitudes , manufactures class differences , different existing 20 ft cats all over the weight and sail area scale to attempt to bring along.
<br> It is very difficult just to find basic direction much less to present concised fair accurate rules specifics and present proposed alternatives for discussion .
<br> You seem to have some background in this area and would make a better moderator and possibley be more objective ,-obviously all presently on the 20 forum are on various different topics and pages , -guess we have to be patient and hope good things evolve from it .
<br>-[currently not having much responce on the #1 min Weight rule post } --
<br> Please take a rules topic and present it for discussion if you like Mark ,--
<br> Also wish there were some good way to include 10 beam cats , --we went through the scenario and more extreme difficulties of it.--open to suggestions --
<br> All the best
<br> <br><br>

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