-Also previously posted
<br>-As we already read in another post by Marc mhb -new 20 boats are already being designed and built, they will continue to be built each year in larger numbers, new development, better lighter faster safer more seaworthy boats will continue to be developed. No matter how much any individual would like everything to stay the same, the only certain thing is change.
<br>-We need to realize this reality, again the main reason the 1967 Tornado is still around, it has been allowed to develop, be built lighter, and modify over time, beyond the original B Class rule it was originally designed to in 1967, -if this had not occurred it would have vanished just as so many others have .We need to allow a class that becomes a part of this, and that encourages innovation and design excellence, allows all existing 20 s to race, along with FAIR SAILING for all.
<br>-The other point you mention -{we can always race Portsmouth} ------It is very unfortunate that the powers that be in the U S, decided not to adopt ISAF rating for small cats but because several placed time to try to repair the fundamental inaccuracies of Porthmouth {an finish numbers } by adding numerous design measurement modification factors to it rather than a total rework, choose an inaccurate method of averages that placates sailors as opposed to providing accurate mathematically correct systematic design measurement based on proven design formula ratings . -
<br>-Our task would be much easier, the U S will eventually catch up with the rest of the cat sailing world in this area and change to ISAF ratings for cats as we all become more familiar with A Class and Formula concepts and ideals.
<br>-The 20 Class, --- We all bring our own human bias to the discussion, ---If your a boat dealer you want rules favoring your brand of cat, -{watch the N A 18 rules struggle} --If your Hobie cat oriented You want Hobie first, --if you sail an Inter 20, you want all rules written to match the mast and sail area. ---If you sail a N -6/0 you want a larger chute, thus faster than the I-20, --If your a big heavy sailor you want only 350 pound crews allowed, --If your small you want light weight allowances 270 min. --If your a Euro F-sailor you want the F rules strictly enforced , -If you own a Fox, -the same , --If a Hobie 20 you want mast compensation and weight rule and length allowances, --If a P 19, the same, -if you sail a Tornado you want a 10 ft beam, -on and on, we all bring em all to the discussion ,-we all are competitive ,-But , what is really best for ALL -?
<br>We need to agree on our mission, What are our IDEALS and GOALS -
<br>If we can all agree on that then proposals that do not meet the basic IDEAL are rejected for that overriding principle.
<br>Please read rule #2 in your ISAF rules book if your in doubt !! <br><br>

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