<br>F18 or F20 depends on the H20 sailor. If the sailor is going to keep the same crew he will probably opt for the F18. If the sailor was looking to move into a more powerful boat they probably would go the F20 route.
<br>Honestly I don't believe you will see a many converts from the H20 ranks. H20's are made up of many husband wife teams that don't want a chute. There will be some that want a chute and there will be some that are heavy for the H20 that like the F20 idea. My guess would be an even split between F18 and F20. Many H20 sailors buy and sail the boat because it is the biggest fleet. They won't move until they see a fleet possiblity for the F18/F20 boats.
<br>Mike Hill
<br>H20 #791

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Mike Hill
N20 #1005