I had an '81 Datsun pickup with a diesel - it was a while ago, but I remember getting some really good mileage. With biodiesel becoming more and more available, we're looking at a diesel engine for our next purchase to bridge between our gas-hungry SUV and our someday-hydrogen car. Jeb Bush has announced he wants Florida to be the first state on a hydrogen economy. They just added hydrogen airport vehicles and a fueling station at Orlando airport.

I agree that it is odd we don't have options here that we had 25 years ago... Datsun became Nissan in the early 80s I think...

Hey Matt - how's that for a hijacked thread. I bet you thought we'd be talking about the boat! We want the Hobie truck!

okay, yes... I admit it - I'd want the triple-boat trailer and the cool boat graphics, too.

John Williams

- The harder you practice, the luckier you get -
Gary Player, pro golfer

After watching Lionel Messi play, I realize I need to sail harder.