as long as the thread is hijacked...
i researched biodiesel before i got my used 2001vw tdi 1.9ltr./ 44mpg, which seems to tow the TheMightyHobie18 better than the 99 ranger 3.0liter/ 20mpg.
there will be new emmission standards coming out that are quite strict. The 0% NO (i think that's the right chemical formula)is the only compound that 100% biodiesel emission #s can't meet. In other words it burns very clean and in the future a filter for the NO would mean a diesel car running biodiesel would meet all emission standards. food for thought.
Rudolf Diesel showed his engine, running peanut oil at the worlds fair.
once the chemists figured out that one of the byproducts of gasoline would run the diesel engine,...the rest is history.
Considering Mr. Diesel had friends in England, traveled there frequently, and died on 1 of the ferry rides, it is not unreasonable to wonder if the nazis caused his fall from the ship. They were using his engine in their uboats and wouldn't have wanted the English to obtain his technology.
In the US today they are still going to drill pristine arctic lands for what? a 1 year supply of oil in spite of the fact that Bush just acknowleged the Hawaii biodiesel guys with some sort of tribute.
if your county puts fryer oil in the land fill, it could have been made into biodiesel.
also regular cars can burn ethanol, made from crops. although the diesel is a more efficient engine, it is more costly to build.
once all the crude oil is gone, plastics will need to be made from prolly hemp oil.

Back to the sailors in the video...
what was their speed? Did they figure out how to handel a monster gust and hit warp speed?