Just curious, how is a situation like this handled by the authorities ?
These idiots put their own lives in danger, endangered the safety of a supertanker crew and tug-boat crew, incurred massive costs for launching Coast Guard vessels and a helicopter.
All in the name of having fun, operating a sailboat without the necessary safety equipment, overloading and operating under the influence of alcohol. Not obtaining clearance from the port authorities, and doing all of this in a shipping channel. Very clever.
I sincerely hope the Authorities press charges against this sub-intelligent form of life for endangering the lives of his passengers and the crew of the other vessels involved, and charge him with all costs involved. Can you just imagine what would have happened if the tug-boat, in an attempt to miss them, had grounded the cargo ship, what costs and damage this could have caused.
People like this are the main reason why, year after year, the authorities in many countries tighten up the restrictions on sailboats leaving shore to such an extent that it becomes near-impossible for those who do so responsibly, to sail offshore. Yet these idiots get away with it, and even get their moment of "fame" in the headlines.