The existing T weighs 376 LBs = 90 LBs more , is that a problem ,and would racing against 100 LB lighter boats make all Tornado's non competitive.

Ya Think??

A Few thoughts.

The T and the US I20 are close in performance now. You should be able to get racing going at a regional level even up... if not... a slight handicap correction might be needed. No matter... the goal would be regional racing. eg. Catfight.

I don't think I would be travel any distance to race an M20 even up with my T. I saw what Robbie and Eric did to the open fleet around a buoys course in light air on the protype M20.. It's a fight between a guy with a gun and you with your knife... The outcome is usally certain.

Seems to me... that you have to judge how much interest is there for expensive lightweight 20's. So far, Hobie has a prototype carbon 20, Marstroms has the M20, Eagle has their E 20 and perhaps a US Blade 20. I would construct a box rule that captures these boats and not worry about the T and the I20.

IMO, the rule is not the crucial factor... Rather it's where and what kind of racing will occur. EG... If you hold a high profile race for X type boats... X type boats will be built and raced. It may also be too late here. Mitch and Herbie are building their gran prix series with a big cat. In the USA, the Renyolds 33 is going for the same niche. Seems to me that unless this new F20 has an Olympic standing... It may be too late if the market and interest is sudenly skewed to the maxi cats.

Interesting as always.
Take Care
