Greg, Why do so many youth sailing clubs get started with the Lazer or Sunfish, why not H14's? OK, so you can't buy a trailer you can haul out six 14's to the regatta, so why don't we step up and show them how we did it in the old days? It will take another dad/coach to drive. Big deal. Sailing during the school year (i.e. colder months) would be much more pleasurable on a nice stable catamaran.

I have one acre and very understanding neighbors who kid me about the "sailor cut".

You know, you are absolutely right and I'm embarrassed I didn't think of suggesting H14's instead. Thank you. I will propose it in the morning. The colder months here are spent either snowmobiling (my son regularly drives his to school) or ice boating or skiing. At least with the snow we don't have to mow.

I think if all of us committed to take one new person sailing a week/month/year it would do a lot. Funny you don't see ANY marketing of the sport by the manufacturers except at the regatta/race level. With 15 all-sports channels on TV you think they could arrange to show it more often. Couch sailers may be tempted to try real sailing? I email the cat videos that show up here and on www.Wetasschronicles.com to my friends and associates and they all beg for more and also suggest I call them when I am going next.

The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised. - George Will
"It's not that liberals aren't smart, it's just that so much of what they know isn't so" -Ronald Reagan