Totally disagree:

There is no excuse EVER for police to kill innocent people, considering police is supposed to protect people. not to threaten them (the now famous shoot-to-kill policy).

2. The guy was legal in the country

3. he was NOT running

4. he did not wear a big jacket

5 he was killed by SEVEN bullets while he was lying on the floor and already in control.

[color:"blue"]so are you saying that there was no way a suspected bomber could trigger a bomb in this case without being totally incapacitated? Are you going to face down a suspected bomber ? Unarmed and ask a suspected bomber to (nicely of course, not trigger the weapon they are suspected to have.

I am not excusing the fact an innocent man was killed. I am not saying the person's involved (with 20:20 hindsite) did the right thing, far from it, a terrible mistake was made [/color]


and so on and so on.

I really dislike this subservience to the authority even when they are TOTALLY wrong.

[color:"blue"]I am not suservient to this authority. There was a policy in place at the time that was VERY well publicisised (Shoot-to-kill suspected terrorists in and around London). Every one I know who works in london (me included) was being VERY carefull at the time. [/color]

One thing I should add is that having re-read my post above I should have said "....an innocent man after investigation."

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