
Heaven :

A place where the cooks are French
The police are British
The mechanics are German
The lovers are Italian
And the whole place is run by the Swiss

Hell :

A place where the cooks are British
The police are German
The mechanics are French
The lovers are Swiss
And the whole place is run by the Italians

That's it! Boy did I have a shorthand version stored in my memory, but that's what happens as you get older. The version I heard substituted cars for mechanics and women for lovers. This version works better for both sexes.

There are three things you lose as you age; your hair, your eyesight, and...I can't remember the third thing.

This community is truly amazing (and entertaining). We go from a joke to European politics and policing, and then, somehow, to handicap vs. one design. Truly great leaps in hijacking, but fun.

H20 781