Definiton of 1-up is main and spin. The ability to switch bewtten 1-up and 2-up by simply removing the jib was my biggest draw to the class. It'll be nice to still be F16 legal with either sail plan. This flexibility will allow me to include my children, when covenient/practical/safe.

Notice all "future tense", so I have no real-world experience as to whether 1-up is competetive with 2-up - but I hope it is. Both platforms/rigs have their pro's and con's.

I did see in one of Wouter's past posts on F16 crew weights where a 1-up T4.9 F16 won the Austrailian F16 Champs a year or so ago(not sure how many years ago, but it cannot be many as there has not been that many championships).
