
SO, I guess what we are really talking about is the specific model/design of hull rather than who built it.

Many Formula builders makes small upgrades to their hulls each year, Do you want the year of build listed as well ? The Tigers hulls from 2002 onward have stiffening subdecks among other things.

Hell, the F16 class allows the use of different materials for the hull manufacture; like Kevlar, glass and carbon. Not to forget the resin used. Polyester, vinylester or Epoxy. Hell, I nearly forget the Timber/epoxy boats. Do you want to see all that listed as well ?

Were does it end ? And what do you think you can learn from a condensed info list. There are just so many variables and most of them many nothing when compared to differences in sailing skills.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands