Sunny: Check out HCA under womens sailing. You should at least be aware this is out there.
All womens teams racing

Sometime in February I did talk with a woman who sent me the hobie university's pdf file. I wish I could remember her name. She sailed on a boat called the 'Butt boat' (That name I can't forget)
It was good stuff but until I got to see it being used a time or two I did not have a point of reference.

I got to sail with Jake and David on the I20 the Friday before MidWinters. (yes, all three of us. Thanks again Jake) It actually was really helpful to see what it was supposed to look like instead of just following directions and trying to imagine what to do. I paid attention to the shape of the sails and the sequence of events when coming around.

It was actually listening to Kirk on the committee boat, though, that made what I read about racing make sense. Kirk would talk about the strategy he saw the sailors using at the start, rounding the marks and using one side of the course as opposed to the other. Reading it and seeing something while it is being explained is a much different thing.