Just got a PM request to look at this thread since I owned a 4.3 for a while.

I loved the boat - very durable and fun to sail. I've raced it one and two-up with no trouble. I weigh about 135 and could right the boat alone easily unless the breeze was really light. I carried a righting bag (Glad yard trash bag) folded up in the tramp pocket just in case. I have some pics and a description on my website (click here).

The first Nationals last year was really fun and low intensity - everyone is very helpful. I sold my boat with the intention of buying a new one, but during that time, Mystere International went through some major changes, and it seems my boat was never completed. As a result, I have moved on to another class.

Still miss my little boat, though - I think it is well used and appreciated by the new owner in Mississippi. I sailed a lot on that thing and never had a spot of trouble but once when I lost a shroud in Clearwater. I went to the next diameter up and never had another issue.

Great boat for any level sailor, really. Fun single-hand spin, spray-flyin' boat or lazy cruiser while talking with the wife.

John Williams

- The harder you practice, the luckier you get -
Gary Player, pro golfer

After watching Lionel Messi play, I realize I need to sail harder.