Hi Sunny -

I'll likely get jumped for this, but I think the only reason to own a 16 is if you're into single-manufacturer one design racing... or if you get one for free. I have raced the 16 and I've had a lot of fun fiddling around with them, but I'm unlikely to ever go back to a boat that doesn't have a spinnaker. No disrespect intended to the 16 crowd (and it is a big crowd... a big, drunk, happy crowd ).

A 16 is definitely a two-person boat and one that I have found is more likely to flip.

Someone else made the suggestion that you look around your area and see what others are sailing - that's good advice, even if you're not racing. If it is a total mish mash (like it was for me), you won't likely regret getting a 4.3 even if nobody else has one. I was the only 4.3 for a couple of hundred miles around, but I still had a lot of fun at open events.

Whatever you decide, keep us up to date and take pictures. Good luck.

John Williams

- The harder you practice, the luckier you get -
Gary Player, pro golfer

After watching Lionel Messi play, I realize I need to sail harder.