Jim Young is an Olympic-level coach, and he was guest expert at one of our race-training seminars.

On the first day of the seminar, the breakfast was laid out with eggs, sausage, potatoes and doughnuts/pastries, cereals, etc.

Everybody was going for the eggs and sausage, lots of protein. Jim told me that actually they should have eaten the doughnuts and pastries, potatoes and cereal, lots of carbs and sugar, to get them through their arduous day on the water.

I have been in love with Jim Young ever since .

(Disclaimer: That does not mean he would recommend a diet of doughnuts to Olympic-level sailors. It was just an isolated situation -- but we doughnut lovers latch onto any encouragement we can find.)

Last edited by Mary; 04/22/06 02:31 PM.