I'm not taking any advice from a one-eyed frog. You must be some kind of health nut, which would explain your green skin color! Complex carbohydrates are fruits and vegetables.
Mary Mary Mary, why do you abuse a poor one-eyed creature? Is it because I asked how many pedestrians and bicyclists you’d snagged with your Wave hanging off the trailer?

The creature you deride as a one-eyed frog is, in fact, a long time employee of Monsters Inc. The next time you hear moaning coming from your closet or scratching noises from under the bed, you may be getting a visit from one of their dedicated staff. Of course, it could be Rick looking for his trapeze harness so he can go for a midnight sail.

As for the carbs, I do a lot of distance bicycling. Nutrition is an important part of riding as the glucose stores get used up fast. Good pre-ride, ride and post-ride carb and protein intake is important. Otherwise you’ll be hit with the dreaded bonk.

Complex carb up pre physical activity. That fuels up the tank. KKDs will work but they're empty carbs.

During the activity, take in enough carbs so the tank doesn’t run empty causing you to bonk. Electrolytes and sodium are also important. The easiest way to keep carbs, electrolytes and sodium levels up is drink a sports drink like Gatorade. I prefer Cytomax. Hydration is also important. That will be part of the sports drink. I’ve see racers pound down a can of Coke while riding. That provides carbs and caffeine to stimulate muscles.

Take in carbs and protein post activity. The protein will stave off the loss of muscle mass.

US Sail Level 2 Instructor
US Sail Level 3 Coach