I live within 15 miles of Aquarius Sails. I believe they are good people doing the best with what they got. They are a small group of people, who direct their attentions and limited resources with the best of intentions, to where it is most needed.
The fews repairs I have needed for my 1977 Hobie 16 have been done by them. Once, I needed a grommet replaced in a sail. I showed up on their door step. They were in the process of building a carbon mast. He interupted the job, and in a flurry of movement..tool grabbing..and pounding, he replaced the missing grommet. He refused payment, as he didn't have time to mess with money and receipts. "Catch me another time," he said, as he rushed back to the carbon mast.
I felt a bit guilty for not being able to pay, and for interupting a mast building job, much more important than my tiny needs.
So, cut them some well deserved slack. They are more like you and me, than some faceless corporation. If an e-mail doesn't work, try the "real" mail or the phone. Or show up on their doorstep.

Jeff Peterson
H-16 Sail #23721
Big Marine Lake, MN