If Adrenaline and Earthwatch were the only two trimarans racing in Prosail, I have pictures of both of them. Rick took a lot of photos, on the water, when the series was in Miami. They're all great pictures, but the problem is that they are color slides.

If you can't find a picture elsewhere, let me know and I will try to find a place that can convert them into photographs. Maybe the company that prints my magazine can do it.

Do you suppose you could get "Wooden Boat" to reprint the article online?

I had 5-10 years of WB mags. but I think they went in the garbage!

I did find this on the "Wooden Boat" site. Each back issue would run you $6.00 each:

Results of Search in WoodenBoat Magazine Index
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Below are the results of your Search in no particular order:


/ADRENALIN (Formula 40 class):/comments, 117:102

/ADRENALIN (Formula 40 class):/comments, photos, 84:48

/ADRENALIN (Formula 40 class):/cover photo/Christian Fevrier, 87:0

/ADRENALIN (Formula 40 class):/design and construction, history, photos, plans, 87:66

/ADRENALIN (Formula 40 class):/update (1999), photo, 150:38

/Formula 40 class, ADRENALIN:/comments, 117:102

/Formula 40 class, ADRENALIN:/comments, photos, 84:48

/Formula 40 class, ADRENALIN:/cover photo/Christian Fevrier,* 87:0

/Formula 40 class, ADRENALIN:/design and construction, history, photos, plans, 87:66

/Formula 40 class, ADRENALIN:/update (1999), photo, 150:38

/Trimaran:/(See also ADRENALIN [Formula 40 class]; D-30 trimaran; DRAGONFLY 15; GULF STREAMER; IDENEK; JUNIPER; MOXIE; NISMIME [research vessel]; OCEAN SURFER; ROGUE WAVE; ROSE NOELLE [trimaram]; Searunner Trimaran [sloop]; Sea Clipper trimaran; SHADOWFAX; SIB 32; TELEGRAMME; THAT; TROPIC BIRD; VITI-VITI)

Search Information:

Terms: adrenalin, formula, 40, class
Boolean Used: AND


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