I watched Al Gore's movie and I read Michael Creighton's book (State of Fear, the other side of the debate) and what I got out of the movie was, it's already too late. If this is real, we are at least 20-30 years behind the curve in developing alternative fuels, and I see no real changes in how we live our lives (burning oil for electricity, transportation, heating, etc.) of the size and nature that would make a difference, being promoted or legislated.

The fact is that our politicians need lots of money to get elected. The fact is that the Oil companies have lots of money, and will only back any politician who will see things -their way-. Unless politicians pass laws that madate a change to the way we live, nothing will change. In America, we have the best Politicians money can buy.

You and I can "Go Green" but what are we, less than 1% of the world's population? So how are we going to fix it when we have to deal with the other 99% of the population, around the world? (I'm thinking of China, India, etc.)

So what I got out of Al's movie was, it's too late and Big Oil won't cut their own throats to change the way we live.

Do you think the Big Oil lobby is going to allow any politician to favor Wind or Solar energy, both of which would provide FREE Energy to the consumer, after the initial purchase of equipment? NO WAY! Follow the money. The money is in Oil.

Last edited by Timbo; 03/24/07 09:25 AM.

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