We passed the M-32 upwind in last years Annapolis to Oxford race on our N-20. Our lee daggerboard was also jammed half-way up after hitting debris in the Bay....
We passed the M-32 upwind in last years Annapolis to Oxford race on our N-20. Our lee daggerboard was also jammed half-way up after hitting debris in the Bay....

Nice. The big question is, were you pointing as high as him?

Yeah, we were pointing the same. Although to be fair they may not have been pointing as high as they could as we were going upwind on the layline to a rounding mark. Our upwind performance was pretty bad that day (board stuck, mast raked too far, etc.). Still, we ran them down and passed them on the windward portion in the Choptank. And we outpointed a few others to climb above them to pass to windward out of their wind shadow. Gave one boat a nice close up show. We would have passed those boats much before then if we hadn't crashed in the Bay...