Hi All,

We had our committe meeting last night, and discussed the topics mentioned above.

Our aim is to get as many boats on the water as possible, and we would certainly encourage any interstate boats interested in sailing to come over.

The view coming out of the meeting last night, is that provided you are a member of an affiliated mosquito state association, then you are eligible to compete. You do not need to join the MCASA.

The cost is $10 per race sailed.

On the matter of the age limit, this remains. We feel that due to the conditions that we sail in, we must demonstrate a duty of care. If your crew is underage, all they require is a TL1 or equivalent, which is just a basic skills certificate. I am told it is easy to get.

Might I also add that it was only by chance that I read this post, and that no one on the committe was aware of what was being discussed. Can I suggest that if you have any questions or concerns that you submit it to the association. This way there will be no "hear say" and hopefully get an answer in a quicker time frame.

Hope this helps,

