As I have stated here several times now: I am here as an individual.

Rolf, The F18 world council stated the build numbers in December 2007. But you won't believe me so how about you go and ask them yourself. Wayne, as to publishing balance sheets of privately held companies... well I think you knew the answer to that one before you made the comment. Why cant you accept something that I state as a fact? I have not been shown previously to be telling fibs.

Just because you don't like/agree with my statement does not make it a Lie!

I have been stating facts in here the whole time yet I am constantly fielding accusations of lying. One example is the 3DL issue. I have stated only facts on the matter yet Wouter has outright called me a liar on the matter. I have asked him to disprove me and then he goes quiet on the matter.
How about we use that as the "litmus test", You prove me wrong on that issue and I will concede and never return to your hallowed forum? If I am right (which I am) you will all stop with the childish liar, liar, pants on fire routine...

Right from my first post I have been acting with the class' bets interest in mind. Those who are so vehemently against my suggestion are the ones that want the class to remain as it is today: Small and unrecognised. My suggestions are aimed at changing that so that the class can become expand and become something of note. I think the best road for F16 to go down includes obtaining ISAF recognised status and ultimately being used as an ISAF youth class, this would trickle down through MNA’s and then there would be some real support both in terms of coaching and funding for youth cat sailing on boats that are more representative of modern cat sailing then the current youth boats.

F16 in its current form will never achieve that status. It is well outside what ISAF are looking for. The changes I suggest are not as bad as many of you think. The boats will still be fast and fun, They will still be easy to handle on the beach, there will just be a lot more of them! Hell they might even be cheaper.

Finally, for the good of F16 someone needs to help Wouter control his brain to keyboard connection. He does way more damage to F16 from the “inside” than anyone from the outside could ever hope to do.
