Ok Mary

Those benefits would be what exactly?

We are talking about several different things here as I see it.

1) Builders sponsoring factory teams ... or perhaps representing the boat themsleves at a regatta.

Part of the deal is that these individuals are supposed to be helpful and share knowledge, boat tunning, etc etc. They want to sell the boat to me and others so their attitude is usally "Helpful" This of course is far more succesful then taking the "win at all cost" attitude.

I think most of us view these individuals as great assets and we want them to come race with us.

However, other aspects are not positive in my opinion.

2) Another option is for an owner to pay for, or subsidize a rock star pro sailor to help the owner win a regatta. This is common in big boats and I have witnessed blow back when this happens in small cats.

The resentment is directed specifically at the individual and it's not subtle. IMO... Not good for the sport.

3) The final example is a sailor or team that goes out and gets corporate sponsorship and raises the competition level to now include fundraising!

This is a minor variation on Richie Rich going out and purchasing top flight equipment that may give him an edge on the race course. However, this usally corrects itself in a year. Usually Richie Rich finds that he wants to play with other people with $$$ and moves up to the $$$$ class.

Basically, you feel the playing field is not level and competing in the game while handicapped makes the game not worth playing.

Again, people are resentful that the game is being screwed by XXX BUT... they really can't say anything. It's not against the rules and more then one "sponsored boat" is on the course. Moreover, if they bring up the subject... they are told.
"Hey... money is always an issue in racing... deal with it."

I don't think we would actually know if sponsorship has a down side in this example. The sailor probably just drops out and goes to another competitive sport or changes classes to one where the class principals are more in alignement with his.

I figure that since yacht clubs have been running for 80 or 90 years and these issues are as old as two boats deciding to have a race.... they just might know something about how to manage the sport.

Usually, Richie Rich opts to play against other owners with equal resources and so this self corrects pretty quickly. The sailors with more ordinary means compete in their classes. Nobody is able to bring their personal buisness/ write off or their fundraising prowess into the game.

Bottom line... Sponsored Factory Teams... Good for the sport. Everything else... best handled by Corninthian rules and peer pressure. Hired pro's on your boat and Catagory C advertising... No good!

Your milage may vary!
