
4. Pocket luff sails will extend beyond the top of the mast, hence above the measurement band.

7. I thought trapezes (or seats) were not part of the intention of the F12. I don't think they sit well with the philosophy of the F12. Safety is also a concern for solo kids getting trapeze hooks stuck if under the tramp. I also don't believe they are necessary for performance.

17. I agree that hydrofoils should be banned. However I think a blanket statement as such is poor wording. We've seen so much debate about the definition of hydrofoils and their banning in the A-Class. I won't go into all the problems associated with it. This can be avoided with a requirement for one hull to be providing buoyancy in all typical sailing conditions, ie. one hull in the water at all times while racing.

If that is considered too tricky, an alternative requirement for "straight" blades fitted "vertically" may be appropriate.

Otherwise I would vote for the proposed rules.