At the 2008 HNAC 17/18/Tigers we ran to the maximum races allowed in the SI's. 20 races.
For the Tiger Class a longer course was set. The RC ran a course 2 all day long, and our times were averaging about an hour and 15 minutes. This was in double trap strength winds. In the Tiger Class you are allowed instrumentation.(GPS) It was reported that each race the boat covered about 14 miles.
We ran no more than 5 races in any one day if I remember correctly. And by Wednesday I was feeling it. By Thursday I was showing it. However, on Friday we all dug deeper inside and pulled out some of the best racing of the week.

In preparation for the week long event many teams worked out, lost weight, and got ready. Everyone put time into their boats to make sure they were also up to the challenge.
We had teams capsize and blow through a sail, or bend a boom. But none of the boats failed to make a race due to poor maintanance issues. I had a trap line stop break while I was on the wire, and this caused me to eject from the boat. But we rigged up a short line and continued racing the day.
To me, this was all part of the experience. The training, the preparation, and the challenge of dealing with the unexpected.

It comes down to, can you AND your boat go the distance?
Long days will benifit the teams that have come prepared.

Hobie Tiger 2003