I believe there were 5 races the last day in R.I
The last started late in the day in the pouring rain with the Champion way ahead and parked next to the RC boat asking why run another race.
Over the last 10 years there has been a 14 race average for the 16's.
So the 4 race a day with a fifth added when the daily average drops below 3 would be good with me.
When looking at the champions over the years, I don't see anyone that didn't deserve to win.
The trick is to keep guys like me coming back. I go for the friends and fun and hope for some moments on the water to remember.
Also to hook the first timers into planning for the following year on their drive home.
It's a real shame to read Karl's comments.
From what I've heard no one was real happy about what happened.
Let's get it fixed without throwing stones.

No problems, only opportunities.

Pat Bisesi Fleet 204