I think the F12 is still a great idea, even though the older cats fit the bill hardly any kids are sailing them. I travelled a lot last year and personally have only seen kids on my AC's. IMO the F12 thread has got people talking, thinking, acting so thats a good outcome. The F12 is really going to modernise the sport and hopefully attract kids, it also gets new cats on the water in a low price range. My kids are looking forward to building the F12's with me and to be honest thats a good enough reason. My daughters used to crew for me on my Stingray at your girls age and still remember their first pitchpole with excitement.

Jeff Southall
Current boats
Nacra 5.8 1703 Animal Scanning Services
Nacra 5.8 1667 Ram Raider
Nacra 18 Square
Arrow 1576