Hi Jeroen,

Actually, I'm not going to do Texel, sorry.

But you are always welcome to come take a look in Zandvoort. The importer for these boats (Viper and Blades) is also located there and he has some second hander F16's you can look at as well.


Note : The FCA Blade F16 has been sold recently, leaving the other 4 options. I know the history of all of these so if you ever want to known more about them. Just contact me.

Looking at my cat is fine, but remember that it is a homebuild. It is actually the prototype F16, the first boat commissioned according to the rule that was then newly developped. She was also used as a test platform for the first try at F16 specific components and due to some financial squeeze over the last years she is still fitted out as she was during early 2004. While I love her to bits, she may not be of demo quality anymore. But she still looks nice from a small distance as shown in the provided picture from the F16 Global Challenge 2007 (where I raced 1-up).

Ohh, before I forget. In the past, "looking at a boat" typically included having the interested party sailing her as well.

But we do have two other (commercially build) F16's at Zandvoort, that are alot newer. So maybe meet there later in the year ?

Best of luck and enjoyment at Texel !


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Last edited by Wouter; 04/22/09 04:55 AM.

Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands