Wouter, you'd have a coronary if you knew how much my pickup weighs.

Why do SUV take all of the heat in this? Its a free market, people will drive what they want. Does a Windstar or Odyssey minivan make more sense than an Tahoe or a Explorer? Honestly I don't see that many of the bigger SUV's, people don't buy that many Excursions, or Suburbans. Never really have either compared to the smaller models.

I'm actually all for the electric pickup. DC motors a f-ing awesome. Instaneous torque at any rpm. But Americans are terrified of nuclear power, and that is the only means of producing enough electricity to make it a viable solution.

Originally Posted by Timbo
Some day, maybe 100 years from now, maybe more, maybe less, nobody knows for sure, but some day, oil will run out, right? I mean it is a -finite- resource, right? Nobody is making more crude, right? So, even if we all conserve and ride bikes and buy Smart Cars, even then, some day, oil will still run out.

Tim, don't tell the folks in North Dakota sitting on the Willsiton Basin that. You might get laughed at.