Originally Posted by mbounds
Originally Posted by Team_Cat_Fever
So to advance cat sailing we need to dumb it down?


Your average Joe doesn't have the $$ or the experience to deal with a spin boat out of the box. Why do you think they use Waves and Getaways at resorts (other than they're indestructible)?

You want more people to play? Keep it simple. Spinnaker boats are not simple.

For rentals maybe for racing, I sure hope not. That's WEAK! I don't have a problem with a wave, I've been thinking of getting one, I just don't think it's the answer to all cat racing. Not even close. It's like saying the Prius is the answer to car racing.

"I said, now, I said ,pay attention boy!"

The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea
Isak Dinesen
If a man is to be obsessed by something.... I suppose a boat is as good as anything... perhaps a bit better than most.
E. B. White