Originally Posted by Wouter
I'm sorry to say that Roland is full of it.

Average weight of 20 year old US women is 58 kg


Average weight of 20 year old US males is 71 kg


All data supplied by

Developed by the National Center for Health Statistics in collaboration with
the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2000)

Roland is actually quite active in getting the Tornado reselected into the olympics and like some he feels every tool in the trickbox may be applied towards that end.

No matter what people say about the ISAF weight range selection, ISAF did not choose the wrong numbers. They are perfectly in line with typical demographic body specs.



Those charts are TARGET weights. Actuals are closer to 75 for men / 65 wowen. Don't usually quote Wiki; but this is based on captured data not charts that are desired numbers from the medical profession.


My workes in this area and states that these charts are out of date and form a "desired growth path that is out of date".

Note the dates on the linked page; US data is as old as your charts, I'd bet if recorded/,measured now the numbers weights would be higher.

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