Ok Guys,

Having gone down to Annapolis to the US Sailing Meeting and sat in on the Multihull Meeting followed immediately w/ a "adhoc" meeting about the Olympic Multihull Boat Selection process .... there was something mentioned that was important ....

The Olympics Multihull Compitition will be geared to "World-Wide Competitors .... that means that a boat and crew-wieghts will be set that allow competitors from areas like Asia to be competitive w/ their smaller body size/physics. The rules for the event will not be written to favor the "europeans and Americans" w/ their larger body-sizes ... this is also one of the reasons that a "Tornado"/20ft Cat would not be selected ... but ... niether would the H16 since it is extremely dated and is "low-tech" compaired to the newwer boats such as the F16 ...

Harry Murphey

Last edited by HMurphey; 03/01/12 07:43 PM. Reason: Spelling