Originally Posted by Undecided
Originally Posted by NacramanUK
Southampton boat show report.....

Southampton boat show report

That looks nice but it seems to be built on an A-cat chassis. If you had your druthers about which boat you'd like to foil in ocean conditions, would you take this, the Phantom, or the FCS20?

The platform you see at the moment is a fresh built platform (not an A class although very similar in lines) that was constructed to test foils and foil control theories.....all up sailing weight is 78kgs......final platform will be radically different in its construction and will come in at around 65kgs all up sailing weight.....first customer boats available late january/early february 2015....this prototype boat has been tested on Southampton Water and the Solent (which can be quite lively!) in quite varied conditions as well as being put through the big wake off the back of the ferries that travel between Southampton
and the Isle of Wight and has performed magnificently.....can understand your pessimism but have to say it has outperformed everyones expectations involved in the project....how it compares against the FP and the FCS in full 'ocean' conditions.....time will tell.....

Last edited by NacramanUK; 09/16/14 11:33 AM.