Hi Stranger,
It seems strange that the variation in aluminum mast bend from mast to mast is coming into question at this time. The Tornado has been around for a long time and there has been no question about mast bend inconsistency. Even if we start the Tornado history with the Marstrom Tornado, there has been no question about variation in aluminum mast bend until recently. Recently the position has come forward to put a carbon mast on the Tornado. Has a problem with the aluminum mast been invented? The two most important parameters affecting mast bend are mast section and wall thickness. The bend in the top few feet of the mast is very small reguardless of taper because the bending moment is still small due to the short lever arm in the top few feet of the mast. The region of max mast bend occurrs in the region below the hounds and above the diamond spreader. This part of the mast is untapered. If there is variation in aluminum mast bend/flex characteristics, it is likely in the extrusion die wearing out and allowing the mast wall thickness to increase. The solution is a new extrusion die.
As far as my comment about sailors specifying the mast layup, Scooby made the comment that sailors could "design their own masts to suit their needs".
If sailors design their own masts, it will be like the story of the three bears. The first one will be too stiff. The second one will be too soft and the third one will be just right.
Good Sailing,