Perhaps the whole reason the "non tieing down" parties are not willing to pay up is that they realise they have breached the T+C of the "park" and so do not want to admit liability.

I think there are a number of problems here :

1, Which boat did damage to Which other boat ? - You can have some ideas, but you cannot prove it.
2, As you cannot prove which boat did what damage, how will you be able to apportion blame (and so cost)
3, No insurance company will take a part of the cost, just because the boat they insured did some of the damage. Unless all those people that had a boat blow away are all insured with the same company - not vey likley is it ?

Ask them all to pay up a fixed % each (10 boats blow away, 10% each) right now out of their own money and if they don't or won't tell them you will be issuing proceedings and do they really want the whole area to know they were stupid enough not to tie their boats down. (they may not want to pay as from those pictures, it looks like there is a few write off hulls there). Thus expensive.

The problem is that if it was to go to court, you would have to get all those responsible for the boats there and then get something inforced.

Given that one of the idiots is the commadore of a local club, the threat of a name-and-shame might be enough.

F16 - GBR 553 - SOLD

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