Catwoman and Kris...

I've always wondered why I never run into anyone from the Chicago area when traveling around to regatta's. We are about 4 hours South of Chicago in Carlyle, IL. We have an active cat fleet. We hold a regatta every year in Sept. We would love to invite you folks down to our regatta. It's always a fun get together.

Back to Catwomans issue. At our club the owner of the boat that was not tied down is responsible for their boat. If the issue is not resolved between the two parties the board of directors can kick the offender out of the club. How I would handle it would be to ask the offending person to pay a resonable amount for the repair (meaning the amount I actually intended on spending to repair it myself). If they would not pay or contact their insurance to pay I would contact my insurance and they would cover the problem. I would then contact the board of directors at my club to have this person barred from the club.

Mike Hill

Mike Hill
N20 #1005