Faulty rigging on a righting pole almost cost me my eye once on my old Nacra 6.0. Rigging broke loose from the underside of the hull and hit me in the eye. There was an adjustable jam cleat (like for an adjustable trap system) and a shackle that actually hit me. It broke all the blood vessels in the front of my eye (hyphema? sp ptp?), and I had to go to an ophthalmologist every day for 7 days straight, then every other day for another 7 days. I couldn't look down at all for those 2 weeks, and had to sleep in a chair where I could only lean back-no laying down. It was terrible...but I didn't lose my eye, and in fact, my vision remained better than 20/20 in that eye-no vision loss whatsoever. Live and learn....
